Security and Safety Things has launched its App Challenge, a contest offering developers the chance to present their solutions to leading industry players and compete for 3 10,000€ in prize money as well as the opportunity to present their winning application on the Security and Safety Things booth at GSX 2020 in September or a similar event depending on the COVID-19 situation.
Focused on technology, innovation and the challenges affecting the physical security industry, Connect’DX will provide an opportunity for security professionals from around the world to directly engage with each other as well as with Genetec and its partners.
PSA Security Network debuted an all-new podcast series — the PSA Pod — which will share insights on the industry with various guests from all departments across the PSA Network.
Napco Security Technologies, a manufacturer of advanced electronic security equipment, released a brand new version of its full line catalog of professional security solutions.
On Wednesday, May 20, the PSIA will host a Virtual PLAI Experience which will demonstrate the value of its Physical Logical Access Interoperability (PLAI) specification to the market.
The leadership of ESX announced today that the Electronic Security Expo (ESX) 2020, originally scheduled for June 9-12 in Nashville, Tenn., has been cancelled.
Allied Universal, a security and facility services company in North America, is seeking to hire more than 30,000 security professionals and administrative staff to fill positions located throughout the nation over the next two months.
To reduce the spread of virus, many employees are shifting to home-based work arrangements. How will that work and will it last beyond the pandemic?
April 13, 2020
With news of COVID-19 sweeping the nation and the world, many organizations have sent their employees home to work remotely to help prevent the spread of the illness. Leaders who previously weren’t comfortable with allowing flexibility in hours and location of work have been forced into these arrangements out of sheer necessity.