REELEX Packaging Solutions, provider and licensor of the REELEX tangle- and twist-free package for wire and cable, signed four new licensees in the first six months of 2015.
PCSC, a designer and manufacturer of access control solutions, entered into a strategic partnership with INEX/ZAMIR, a provider of ALPR solutions and services.
AES received U.S. Patent No. 8,072,945 for AES Link Layered Networks, which extend the functionality and reliability of AES-IntelliNet private wireless mesh radio networks.
Have you ever experienced a moment in time when you said, “Why didn’t I think about that before?” I had one of those moments in an elevator while attending the recent CompTIA ChannelCon conference in Chicago.
Canon U.S.A. Inc. introduced the company’s first multi-purpose camera, the ME20F-SH, which delivers exceptionally high sensitivity to capture Full HD video with a minimum subject illumination of less than 0.0005 lux.
Iluminar, a specialist manufacturer and supplier of infrared and white light illuminators, announced its certified, one-to-one training offering on LED lighting products.
Galaxy Control Systems made integration enhancements to its System Galaxy Software that provides higher levels of integration with products and systems from a growing number of access control providers.
Arecont Vision’s latest products are designed to deliver increased performance and situational awareness while lowering total cost of ownership. According to Arecont Vision’s Executive Vice President Scott Schafer, the success of the company’s megapixel camera portfolio is equally attributable to both its superior technology and to the outstanding support processes and programs behind them.