The FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), established in 2000 to receive complaints of Internet crime, released its annual report, revealing the organization received an average of 800 complaints a day and that Americans lost $1.33 billion in 2016.
ASIS International, an association for security management professionals, announced that U.S. President George W. Bush will address attendees at the opening of the ASIS International 63rd Annual Seminar and Exhibits (ASIS 2017), Sept. 25-28 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas.
The International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection (IFCPP) and Yale University Cultural Properties are partnering to host the IFCPP 18th Annual Conference, Seminar, Exhibits & Certification Program in New Haven, Conn., September 16-20, 2017.
The Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) has recognized Engineered Protection Systems Inc. in Grand Rapids, Mich., with its 2016-17 Police Dispatch Quality (PDQ) award. The PDQ award is given to the company that promotes best practices working with law enforcement to reduce the number of unnecessary dispatches to alarm customers. The award was presented at the ESX - Public Safety and Networking Luncheon at ESX on June 16th in Nashville, Tenn.
In a Security Industry Association (SIA) blog, Daniel Conway, communications and outreach manager, DHS Science & Technology (S&T) directorate, reported that the Department of Homeland Security developed a close working relationship with the security industry, stating that the relationships help ensure the research and development investments DHS S&T makes today can withstand tomorrow's challenges.
A federal appeals court ruled on June 5 that Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC (RCDI) must pay legal fees to security dealer ADS, ranked No. 20 on the SDM 100 and SDM’s 2014 Dealer of the Year, overturning an eastern Texas district court decision that had sided with RCDI in a patent infringement case.
ESA’s annual Day on Capitol Hill took place May 16 and 17, during which time security industry representatives visited nearly 100 U.S. House and U.S. Senate Congressional offices to discuss topics pertinent to the security issue and develop communication and relationships with lawmakers.
While no amount of security can guarantee against the possibility of an attack, major terrorist attacks around the world always serve as a clarion call, drawing people’s attention to security measures in their own towns, and many are increasingly beginning to turn their focus from indoors to outdoors and the perimeter surrounding the venues.
An investigation by local NBC Atlanta station 11 Alive found that broken security cameras in the district took an average of 61 days before being repaired, and the district does not have a written policy or rule mandating how quickly cameras are fixed.