When it comes to addressing the talent crisis in the security industry, the faces of the future will need to be much more diverse than those of the past.
It would be hard to find a topic more pressing across the entire security industry than the current workforce shortage. From manufacturers to security integrators, the issue of finding and keeping great employees is among the top concerns of nearly everyone.
Today, you are inundated with digital tools and tactics to market your business, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and more. With the increase in popularity of these tools, many ask us if email marketing still has value for their security business.
A recent case involving false alarm fees was heard and decided in Suffolk County, New York. The plaintiff, Suffolk County, sought to recover $800 from the defendants for alleged violations of the county code involving “false alarm fee assessments.”
On Wednesday, March 18, the exhibit floor at ISC West will host a virtual demonstration of PLAI, the emerging industry specification for enhanced identity management.
With a tight labor market making retention a priority, proper onboarding and training programs could be the difference between making 2020 a fantastic year or a flop.
CEDIA, a global trade association for companies that design, manufacture and install technology for the home, has launched a design-forward website to showcase CEDIA Award winners and finalists, as well as the year’s Best New Product and Product Hall of Fame winners.