ESA and other business associations are supporting efforts of the U.S. Congress to overturn the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s overtime eligibility revisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
The Calgary Police Service approved a phased-in approach to revise its current Alarm Services Bylaw, which details how and when officers will respond to alarm calls.
Napco Security Technologies Inc. announced that it has enhanced its Napco StarLink 2G-Radio Replacement Tradeup Program, with free StarLink Verizon Certified CDMA or AT&T 3/4G Intrusion Radios and Commercial Fire Communicators, from just $29.95 net — and a new $100 tradeup incentive.
French anti-terror police have requested the video footage from the July 14 terror attacks in Nice, France, be deleted to avoid “uncontrolled dissemination,” but Nice officials argue the footage must be kept as evidence, according to an article by BBC.
DMP announced the successful recertification to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard, including compliance with the 2015 revised edition of the standard.
An interesting case just arose in the state of Pennsylvania in a rather complicated set of facts. An employee of the alarm company was testing a smoke detector for a client.
An expert on drones and law enforcement recently spoke at the first drone Summit hosted by Security 101 – Charlotte, which drew 100 people representing a variety of industries.