The dealer financing market has been stable for many years. The changes that have occurred include new types of investors and new factors that potential lenders will consider in making loans to dealers.
Raising outside funding can give security dealers the boost they need to bring on new accounts, thereby generating escalating recurring monthly revenue.
Artificial intelligence, easier payment methods and other software advances can streamline dealer operations and offer greater flexibility in a competitive marketplace.
Security dealers that sell PERS will want to keep close tabs on developments in medical monitoring in order to be better prepared for how the market may change as a result of increased convergence.
Proper use of personal protection equipment, ladders, lifts and scaffolding are critical to keeping security technicians safe. It’s also important to follow regulations pertaining to hazardous chemicals, electrical safety, and fall protection.
Just about all security dealers now offer interactive services. Are you doing everything you could be to maximize their value for your customers and your business?
Voice-controlled digital assistants such as Amazon Echo are catching on quickly. Among other things, these products can control security systems. Here’s what this means for security dealers.
Digital voice controlled assistants such as Amazon’s Echo and Dot offerings and Google Home were a hot item this past holiday season — and they will begin playing an increasingly important role in controlling security systems this year.
A wide range of new monitoring services hits the market as wholesale central stations rethink their role in the industry in light of newer technologies.