ObjectVideo Releases Video Analytics Technology
At ASIS 2007, ObjectVideo Inc. announced the release of a product designed to provide highly accurate real-time operational insight.
The Event Counting Suite is an easy-to-use and affordable analytics library that transforms video into a continuous stream of business intelligence data. As an addition to the ObjectVideo® OnBoard™ intelligent video software, the Event Counting Suite enables the counting of people, vehicles and multiple events to provide highly accurate, real-time operational insight and inform critical business decisions.
ObjectVideo's Event Counting Suite is designed to meet a broader set of business intelligence requirements than what is currently being addressed by simple, standalone, low accuracy "people counters" on the market today. Its unique ability to capture multiple behaviors and pieces of information through a combination of rule types—including ObjectVideo's patented tripwire technology—provides users with a level of accuracy and operational insight previously not available from any video analytics solution, let alone previously available counting software.
"With the advent of ObjectVideo OnBoard to enable intelligent video devices, and now the addition of low-cost Event Counting Suite software, ObjectVideo is leading the way to break down cost and implementation barriers for widespread video analytic adoption, opening the door for users in new markets to benefit from and experience the power of video analytics in new ways," says Brian Eckert, vice president sales and marketing, ObjectVideo. "Event Counting Suite was specifically designed to meet these evolving industry demands by providing enhanced analytical capabilities that turn video into data and enable powerful business intelligence solutions." www.objectvideo.com