Mace Central Station and its employees brought Christmas cheer to many children in southern California this year. The central station employees spent the year saving money by recycling soda cans. Many employees also made personal donations in addition to the central station contributions. The money was used to purchase toys that were donated to 58 children at the Calicinto Ranch in San Jacinto, Calif.
Calicinto Ranch ( is a non-profit facility committed to reaching children of prisoners and giving them a life-changing experience. Calicinto ranch has several different outreach programs designed to break the cycles of at-risk youth of incarcerated parents. This year the ranch brought Christmas to almost 1,500 children.
“We are excited for a couple of reasons," said Morgan Hertel, vice president and general manager of Mace CS. "One was that we used money from recycled products this year; but more importantly, in this tough economy, it made me proud of the staff and Mace CS to take the time to plan this all year and then to bring to fruition at the end. We are already planning and saving for next year.”
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