SDM Monitoring TODAY Feature: 'Mandatory Reading'

I have had the 2011 SDM Monitoring TODAY supplement sitting on the side of my desk for some time. In our busy world we often don’t get to take the time to read a feature article but I know there are good things to be learned so I keep it close.
I was rewarded this morning. “The Changing Landscape of Alarm Communications” was a wonderful excerpt of the panel discussion at the CAA in December. I wish I could have been there to hear the entire discussion but you did a great job of presenting the heart of the matter in your article. The perspective from Lou, Sascha and Morgan with Shawn, Gordon and George was fascinating. They are all so well respected in our industry. What I found very interesting was that Lou and Morgan’s comments were from a neutral position begging for clarity for central stations from the other segments. Sascha and Gordon spoke from a manufacturers’ stance jockeying for position, and George and Shawn speaking from a carrier’s perspective saying here are the facts, how do you want to play with them.
My thanks to all of you for making this available to us. It should be mandatory reading for anyone in our industry trying to plan for our future. — Michael J. Joseph, Vice President, Operations, SentryNet