The study examined four communities that had adopted the Model Alarm Ordinance, developed by the Security Industry Alarm Coalition in association with industry and leaders in law enforcement.
The Georgia General Assembly has approved a bill that would ban counties or municipal corporations from fining alarm companies for false alarms generated by a customer and through no fault of the alarm system’s contractor.
At its annual awards ceremony, the Wisconsin Electronic Security Association (WIESA) honored Stan Martin with the Bill Cooper Award, which recognizes the recipients’ professionalism in working on issues of importance to the alarm industry.
The deadline is fast approaching for companies to compete for the Police Dispatch Quality award (PDQ), which will be presented in June at the Electronic Security Expo (ESX) in Indianapolis.
The ESA appointed Maria Malice as its representative to the SIAC board of directors. Malice will replace John D. Knox who served on the SIAC board for the past six years and recently became president of ESA.