SDM launches SDM SecuraWord, HoneyWell partners to deliver critical info to first responders, SIA opens 25 on the RISE applications, and an overview of the inaugural Security LeadHER event.
Emergency24, an Underwriters Laboratory-listed central station that writes its own proprietary software, and BluePoint Alert Solutions, a company that focuses on hardware installation, training and implementation of Rapid Emergency Response Systems (RERS), have partnered to leverage each companies’ capabilities to minimize the impact of crisis situations, such as an active shooter event or natural disaster.
While all contracts for exhibit space will be rolled over for the July show, a number of companies have been taking matters into their own hands, thinking of creative ways to share what they planned on announcing in March.
Emergency24 will fill the security education void with five unique webinars that showcase services and equipment that will help increase RMR and give customers robust, interactive alarm systems.
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is beginning to make its rounds through the security industry. It is very touching to watch the videos of security professionals who have accepted the challenge, as they acknowledge their own personal ties to the disease.
A new organization is bringing security manufacturers, central stations and dealers together with law enforcement officials and insurance companies to reduce property losses resulting from burglaries and increase arrests that get criminals off the streets.