Through the partnership, HomeSphere’s 2,700-plus single and multifamily builders will have access to exclusive rebates on select smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
This protective cover is a simple, low-cost solution for areas where severe vandalism and physical abuse of smoke detectors is causing false alarms or high maintenance costs.
SmokeShield Fabric Smoke and Fire is a fire safety closure designed to enhances life safety by compartmentalizing dangerous fire and smoke at the first hint of smoke.
The highly durable smoke detector Damage Stopper offers excellent protection for open-area smoke imaging detectors against vandalism and accidental damage.
New fire alarm control panel technologies such as wireless and smart technology benefit fire protection companies as well as security integrators and alarm dealers.
STI’s heavy-duty 9-gauge steel web stoppers are constructed with a corrosion resistant polyester coating and help protect smoke detectors where abuse is severe.