Thoughts from physical security professionals, and others, about profit, people, processes, products and the planet.
Don Rickey
The residential electric market accounts for approximately 21 percent of total electric usage globally. There is a huge need for active energy management by consumers, and it does not have to be a complex process. - Don Rickey, senior vice president, Infrastructure Business, Schneider Electric.
Time Magazine Cover 2000
Earth's welfare does not depend on professionals or on an educated minority. Ordinary citizens, made up of as much country as city, increasingly involve themselves in recycling, cleaner cars, organic food, the rescue of endangered species, environmental education, ecotourism, greenhouses and offices and the building of sustainable communities...Humans are the only species able to go everywhere in the world, which also means that we have the capacity to do good or ill everywhere. - Roger Rosenblatt, All The Days Of The Earth, Apr. 26, 2000, TIME
Jon Siann
Customers looking to reduce their environmental footprint find value in technologies that offer a reduction in power and physical effects on the landscape. New surveillance cameras have been developed that meet much higher levels of efficiency and, as a consequence, can be easily integrated with solar panel technology. - Jon Siann, founder and chief executive officer, MicroPower Technologies.
Rick Fedrizzi
We know that buildings in the United States are responsible for 39 percent of CO2 emissions, 40 percent of energy consumption, 13 percent of water consumption, and 15 percent of GDP per year, which makes green building a source of significant economic and environmental opportunity. The Center for American Progress says that greater building efficiency can meet 85 percent of future United States demand for energy, and a national commitment to green building has the potential to generate 2.5 million American jobs. - Rick Fedrizzi, president and chief executive officer of U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
Jack DeMao
Going 'green' isn't just environmental; it's good common sense when it comes to security. - Jack DeMao, chief executive officer, Electric Guard Dog.
Time Magazine Cover 1989
"How long it [Earth] endures and the quality of life it can support do not depend alone on the immutable laws of physics. For man has reached a point in his evolution where he has the power to affect, for better or worse, the present and future state of the planet." - Planet of the Year: What on Earth Are We Doing? Jan., 2, 1989, TIME
Charles F. Kettering
We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there. - Charles F. Kettering, American inventor, engineer, businessman, and the holder of 186 patents.