New offerings in visitor management — from third-party to embedded — continue to give security integrators and their customers more options to fit a range of needs
In today’s world, the “open campus” — whether an office complex, school or other type of business — is increasingly a thing of the past. Mass tragedies such as the Parkland school shooting are an extreme example of why it is more important than ever to make sure you know exactly who is visiting your facility and why, but other issues have driven the market forward over the years as well, from business espionage to theft. But for facilities that already incorporate an access control system, adding visitor management sometimes presents complications for the security integrator.
Do you go with a third-party option and integrate it with the access control and HR database, or a stand-alone product? Do the visitor management features in the existing access control platform provide all that the customer needs? What about newer technologies such as cloud?
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