- Use Alarm Package in Alarm History to assist operators in learning how to read signal data.
- Use new Operator and Excessive reports.
- Use Emergency Management mode.
- Create your own Alarm Conditions to suit your specific needs.
- Use email/text notifications for lower priority signals instead of calls to cut down on “busy” work.
- Use ODBC to create custom reports in Excel.
- Use Web/Dealer, Mobile Virtual Operator or Virtual Operator to allow techs and dealers to put their panels on test and check signals on their own.
- Neglect to train all central station staff on how to turn on MKS Database and SPA.
- Enter signal IDs and all data in CSID zones, if the format is standard; create a communicator format instead.
- Neglect to scan and save customer paperwork/emails to Subscriber folders.
- Neglect to use calls to make a record of important phone calls or emails between you and your customers
- Use video driver Generic’s Visor Net; it will not work in Stark because it was replaced with Commands.
- Leave any shift without at least one operator who has the central station supervisor permission.
- Change the Alarm Condition on system generated signal IDs.
For exclusive video interviews from the MKS Users Conference, www.SDMmag.com/videos and select the category "MKS Users Conference."