The Security Industry Association (SIA) has named Dr. Elizabeth (Elli) Voorhees as its new director of education and training. In this role, Voorhees — who previously served as director of certifications and compliance for the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) — will drive all education and certification program activity for SIA and through SIA’s partners in support of the SIA membership and larger industry goals.
More than 200 leaders in electronic security and life safety from all over gathered in Austin, Texas, Jan. 28-31 for ESA’s 2019 Leadership Summit and were not disappointed, according to a post-show survey conducted by ESA.
The Security Industry Association (SIA) has announced AcceleRISE, a new conference for tomorrow’s security leaders featuring idea sharing, coaching, business skills development, networking and inspiration.
The Monitoring Association (TMA) announced that Jim Grubb, chief technology evangelist, Cisco Systems, will deliver the keynote address on Thursday, Feb. 28 at TMA’s 2019 Tech Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Today, CEDIA has announced the launch of the CEDIA Member of Excellence Program. There are two designations CEDIA members can achieve to demonstrate their company's commitment to delivering exceptional experiences to their clients: investing in professional development and technical excellence, and serving their community.
An interesting case arose several years ago in Connecticut whereby the plaintiff alleged that they lost the city’s business because the defendants — the city of New London and its former city manager — intended to retaliate against the plaintiff for having filed a lawsuit complaining about police practices in New London.
Two individuals were taken by surprise when the recipients of the Sarah E. Jackson Memorial Award and the Morris F. Weinstock Person of the Year Award were announced at the ESA Leadership Summit in Austin, Texas, Jan. 28-31.