Intercoms have been around for decades with little variation in technology. Recently, however, technological advances, coupled with a drive to secure perimeters in light of terrorism and workplace violence, have made intercoms a key part of a complete security system.
Having all the most sophisticated security technology inside a building is important; but a more ideal situation is controlling who enters, and thereby eliminating threats before they even get on premises.
Which suppliers do the largest systems integrators use? This Top Systems Integrators brand-usage report lists the manufacturers and distributors that earn their business.
Security systems integrators manage a diverse set of projects with demanding requirements. SDM asked each of the 2017 Top Systems Integrator companies to disclose the top manufacturers and top distributors that earn their business, based on volume purchased. The resulting lists, below, demonstrate that these integrators rely on a wide variety of suppliers that offer a wealth of resources.
With cloud-based recording continuing to gain acceptance and traction within the security industry, it can be easy to forget about the growth that’s occurring with the NVR
The central stations listed on these pages offer third-party monitoring services to security dealers and systems integrators for their subscribers.
August 1, 2017
The central stations listed on these pages offer third-party monitoring services to security dealers and systems integrators for their subscribers. Review the listings here or access them online at
As security systems integrators take to the world stage amidst trends such as the commercial Internet of Things, cybercrime and terrorism, they showed their prowess with 14 percent growth in 2016.
As the industry increasingly moves toward adoption of IP-based video, which continues to outpace analog every year, there is still a large portion of end users who continue to rely on their legacy systems.
Humans have been documenting and communicating for thousands of years — from the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics to our current systems, immersed in a digital realm.
Apps are everywhere today, including the security industry. From residential and commercial user apps, to those targeted at helping the channel with sales, service and installation — we take a look at the current and future potential of this ubiquitous technology.
Wherever you turn today — whether as a consumer, employee, bank patron or business owner — it is almost impossible to avoid using an “app.” You can pay on your phone using an app, deposit a check, play Candy Crush or Words with Friends, purchase items from Amazon and watch videos, to name just a tiny fraction of the more than two million apps available on either Android or iPhone.