If you did not have a marketing plan for 2019, take a good hard look at the year’s results. Chances are pretty good that you did not achieve the business goals you had hoped you would. Why?
Some Tweet just trashed your security company, or a Facebook post about unreturned calls has people talking, or worse, someone who isn’t even your customer leaves a negative review on Yelp — now what do you do?
Even though physical securityis a highly technical industry, most business owners are not aware of the constant stream of technological updates that can seriously impact their website.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken our industry to a whole new level, becoming a force multiplier for video monitoring by filtering out false alarms.
Dealers, integrators and manufacturers approach my business partner and I on a fairly regular basis asking us to give our honest evaluation of their website.
It’s vital that your security integration company partake in networking events to collect databases that can later be entered into your digital marketing efforts.