DMP’s partnership with Digital Watchdog is expanding with the integration between Digital Watchdog’s flagship DW Spectrum video management software and DMP’s Virtual Keypad. Whenever users receive a notification from their DMP panels, they’ll be able to view connected cameras and video playback with one interface.
Bold Technologies, a leading provider of alarm monitoring and PSIM software, completed the integration of ManitouNEO with innoVi from Agent Video Intelligence (Agent Vi).
Security Partners, Lancaster, Pa., and WAVE Electronics recently introduced the “4-Star Program,” a collaborative rebate program between the two companies that gives security dealers a profit advantage for products purchased from WAVE Electronics with monitoring services from Security Partners.
Managing security effectively requires a clear understanding of the changing threat landscape and continuous improvement through the integration of technology. The same technologies that operate a business (databases, surveillance systems, remote access, etc.) can be leveraged to improve security management. Integrating business silos can proactively protect companies from new threats while improving security and reducing costs.