2019 SDM 100 Report
Product Details
Report & Database
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Address all inquiries in writing to Laura Stepanek, SDM Editor,
e-mail: stepanekl@bnpmedia.com
For questions on purchasing this report or previous SDM 100 reports, contact Jackie Bean at 215-939-8967 or beanj@bnpmedia.com
This Report includes the following file: 2019 SDM 100 REPORT.xls
It was created in Microsoft Excel 2010.
The 2019 SDM 100 ranks U.S. companies that provide electronic security systems and services to both residential and non-residential customers. Companies are ranked by recurring monthly revenue as of Dec. 31, 2018. This ranking is based on information either provided to or estimated by SDM. Ranked companies were asked to submit an audited or reviewed financial statement, or a copy of their income tax return showing total gross receipts for the stated period. A vast majority of the firms ranked are privately held.
The 2019 SDM 100 was published in the May 2019 issue of SDM Magazine, and posted online at www.SDMmag.com/SDM100Report.
Note: Companies are presented in the order in which they are ranked on the SDM 100. Headers are provided at the top of the file for easy identification. SDM estimates are highlighted in color; all other information was provided by individual ranked companies through a survey conducted in March 2019.
The following fields of information are included:
A: 2019 SDM 100 Rank
B: 2018 SDM 100 Rank
C: Company name (as doing business in the market)
D: Company name (legal)
E: Street address
F: City
G: State
H: Zip code
I: Telephone
J: Website
K: CEO name
L: Trading symbol, for public companies
M: Annual gross revenue, 2018
N: Recurring monthly revenue (RMR), Dec. 31, 2018
O: Total subscribers (signed customers), 2018
P: Residential subscribers
Q: Non-residential subscribers
R: Operate a central station
S: Annual central station equipment purchases
T: % of revenue from sales/installation
U: % of revenue from service contracts
V: % of revenue from non-contracted service
W: % of revenue from test and inspection
X: % of revenue from equipment leases
Y: % of revenue from monitoring
Z: % of revenue from hosted and managed services
AA: % of revenue from sales of subscriber contracts
AB: % of revenue from consulting
AC: % of revenue from risk analysis
AD: % of revenue from other
AE: Other service revenue described
AF: % of revenue from integrated non-residential systems
AG: % of revenue from integrated residential systems
AH: % of revenue from access control systems
AI: % of revenue from video surveillance systems
AJ: % of revenue from burglar alarm systems
AK: % of revenue from fire protection systems, commercial
AL: % of revenue from intercom and communication systems
AM: % of revenue from badging systems
AN: % of revenue from perimeter security and gate controls
AO: % of revenue from PERS systems
AP: % of revenue from IT hardware, software and services as related to security
AQ: % of revenue from other sources
AR: Other product revenue described
AS: Number of business locations operated
AT – BC: Branch office locations (up to 10 are listed per company; if more than 10 are provided to SDM, locations are selected to be featured in this report based subjectively on major/unique markets)
BD: Residential installations, 2018
BE: Residential installation revenue, 2018
BF: Non-residential installations/projects, 2018
BG: Non-residential installation/project revenue, 2018
BH: Size of largest project/installation
BI: Size of smallest project/installation
BJ: #1 Market Providing Most Significant Portion of 2018 Revenue
BK: #2 Market Providing Most Significant Portion of 2018 Revenue
BL: #3 Market Providing Most Significant Portion of 2018 Revenue
BM: #4 Market Providing Most Significant Portion of 2018 Revenue
BN: #5 Market Providing Most Significant Portion of 2018 Revenue
BO: Participate in authorized dealer program
BP: Full-time employees: executive management
BQ: Full-time employees: general management
BR: Full-time employees: sales/marketing
BS: Full-time employees: project management
BT: Full-time employees: engineering/design
BU: Full-time employees: IT
BV: Full-time employees: installation
BW: Full-time employees: technical service
BX: Full-time employees: central station
BY: Full-time employees: customer service
BZ: Full-time employees: administrative support
CA: Full-time employees: finance/accounting
CB: Full-time employees: other
CC: Full-time employees total
CD: Acquisition activity, 2018
CE: Number of companies purchased
CF: Number of subscriber accounts purchased
CG: Manufacturer 1 (ranked by volume purchased)
CH: Manufacturer 2
CI: Manufacturer 3
CJ: Distributor 1 (ranked by volume purchased)
CK: Distributor 2
CL: Distributor 3
CM: Equipment-purchase decision-maker
CN: Equipment-purchase decision-maker title
CO – DA: Memberships and affiliations
DB: Other services: managed access control
DC: Other services: remote video monitoring
DD: Other services: video surveillance as a service (VSaas)
DE: Other services: network monitoring
DF: Other services: cybersecurity
DG: Other services: other
DH: Footnotes/additional information
na = not available or not applicable
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