While varying regulations implemented by local authorities can be counter-intuitive and cumbersome to keep up with as well as result in fines and extra expenses for integrators, more widespread regulations can also drive business for systems integrators.
Honeywell announced a new training and certification program to help integrators become proficient with the company’s Pro-Watch® Integration Kit, a software development kit designed to create smarter buildings that fold security into building management functions.
Security Management Systems (SMS), Great Neck, N.Y., an integrator of IP-based security solutions, today was named as a partner of Juniper Networks Inc. SMS now will be offering and supporting solutions from Juniper’s line of EX, SRX and switching and routing gear.
Securadyne Systems LLC and Pamlico Capital completed the acquisition of SecureNet Inc. The SecureNet acquisition is the first for Securadyne, a newly formed systems integration company founded by security industry veterans Carey Boethel and Ken Francis.
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Supercircuits, Austin, Texas, announced several enhancements to the SC Authorized Dealer Program — including increased dealer discounts, an extensive lead generation program and co-marketing opportunities to generate more business for its dealer / integrator partners.
The showdown over U.S. debt and the continuing crisis surrounding the euro caused instability in a number of sectors, and that instability was reflected in the third quarter 2011 Security Industry Business Confidence Index, which is a report conducted by the Security Industry Association among its members who provide security products and services to the reseller channel of dealers and integrators.
From new products to new trends, the 2011 First Alert Professional Dealer Convention held in Scottsdale, Ariz., contained plenty of “new,” apt for its theme of “Exploring New Dimensions.”
At BCD Video, Northbrook, Ill., Jeff Burgess, president, and Tom Larson, director of global accounts, represent the business model that makes this company unique: the successful blend of IP and IT. A core competency in both of these areas allows the company to work with systems integrators in building storage solutions for their projects.