UTC Fire & Security held a press conference yesterday at ASIS Int’l 57th Annual Seminar & Exhibits, where it introduced to the market several new solutions from its brands, and announcements about new Lenel partnerships.
Whether your growth strategy for 2012 calls for entering a new market or strengthening your position in an existing one, you’ll want to have your team on the ground and engaged at ASIS 2011 in Orlando, Sept. 19-22. ASIS International (ASIS) is launching a new educational track specifically for systems integrators. Endorsed by PSA Security Network, the new session track features practitioners in key vertical industries that will help systems integrators understand their biggest challengesand discover what end users expect from them.
The hotter the fire the harder the steel, some say. Tough times often forge resilient businesses with unexpected outcomes — demonstrated by the Top Systems Integrators who turned last year’s challenges into opportunities to retool their offerings. “We are most proud of our ability to getter better every year despite market conditions,” says No. 6 ranked Johnson Controls Inc.
A while back, Nate Rice faced the big decision: how and how fast to move to IP-based security video while maintaining and not diminishing his investment in analog cameras and legacy digital video recorders (DVRs). It was not, however, ever a question of continuing to grow and scale up the analog infrastructure.
Managing security effectively requires a clear understanding of the changing threat landscape and continuous improvement through the integration of technology. The same technologies that operate a business (databases, surveillance systems, remote access, etc.) can be leveraged to improve security management. Integrating business silos can proactively protect companies from new threats while improving security and reducing costs.
It’s a Sunday close to press time and I’m watching one of my favorite television shows, CBS Sunday Morning. One of the segments catches my attention; it’s about the job market seemingly coming to a stall, with first-time unemployment claims having exceeded 400,000 for 11 consecutive weeks (as of late June). A CBS Sunday Morning journalist interviews economist Lakshman Achuthan of the Economic Cycle Research Institute about why this is happening.
The once crisp line between the black and white of security dealer and systems integrator is definitely more blurry, and the question begs to be asked — Is there even a line anymore?
Here’s a pop quiz from Today’s System Integrator: What do entertainment blockbusters Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica have in common with security systems integrator Niscayah?
For several years now I’ve heard that the physical security integrators (PSIs) will be dead and IT integrators will take over their space in the market because PSIs do not have the skills needed to compete.