Right now, many customers are protecting their cash. The economic future is uncertain, and companies are saving their reserves in order to survive this recession. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have a need for security; in fact, their need for physical security and access control has most likely increased and will continue to as the country reopens.
As the technology of video monitoring grows in capabilities and use cases, another concern begins raising its head: privacy. Recently, some countries have looked to use this capability to help with the coronavirus outbreak and enforcing stay-at-home and social distancing mandates.
Harrisonburg City/Rockingham County, Va. is the latest Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) to implement Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP), technology that automates communication from alarm monitoring central stations to PSAPs and 911 centers, resulting in a faster, more accurate emergency response for users of monitored alarms.
While the coronavirus and resulting economic impacts have brought their share of challenges to the security industry, the video monitoring space has been in a prime position to help customers — and grow business.
Benjamin Franklin is reported to have said, “Out of adversity comes opportunity.” The security industry, like many businesses in the U.S. and the world, has certainly seen some adversity this year. In the video monitoring part of the security industry, however, a situation that started as chaos quickly shifted to unique opportunities to help both existing and new customers.
TMA announced the finalists for this year's 2020 Excellence Awards that name the Monitoring Center of the Year, along with the Manager, Operator and Support Person of the Year.
The city of Westerville, Ohio has joined a growing number of municipalities across the nation to implement Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) at its Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).
Which suppliers do the largest security dealers use? This SDM 100 brand-usage report details the manufacturers and distributors that earn their business.
Around the country in every major metropolitan market is an SDM 100 company that worked long and hard to get where it is today. These are the 100 largest U.S.-based security companies — as ranked by their recurring monthly revenue (RMR) — on the annual SDM 100 Report.